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take this town

posted by caroline

This town, that we are so fortunate to call home, is always bustling with locals and tourists. It’s home to many amazing people and amazing businesses. Could there be a better place to call home?!

As the temperatures start to rise and as the days get longer, people start coming out of the woodwork. Bikes are getting tuned up, new trail shoes are being purchased, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already gotten in a ride at Round Valley and a muddy Armstrong hike- early May snow showers won’t slow me down!

One of the most exciting things about getting back on the bike after a long winter is not being completely out of breath on the up-hills. HIITing it hard all winter, really has paid off. Working out 2-3x a week at BeauCo couldn't really help me change my inevitable first ride flat tire.... but it has for SURE improved my endurance and speed. My legs were fatigued and scratched up after of course, but the fatigue lasted just a few hours and the scratches will fade {we’ll pretend like I didn’t fall into a bush while taking in the scenery}. Working out at the barn has allowed me to grow as a multi-sport adult athlete—and that's a thing.

I can literally TAKE THIS TOWN, on foot, by bike, uphill, downhill in all seasons. No matter where the adventure takes me, HIIT work makes me better & I can be certain the views will be amazing and the climb will hurt less & less each time. The next time you head into the Barn, strike up a conversation with someone new, partner with someone you’ve never worked along side with before, who knows, that could be your next hiking partner, or a mountain biking fanatic ready to show you the ropes. Our little barn is a hub for so many people that are after the same kind of stuff, so together LET’S TAKE THIS TOWN.