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Welcome to NEWVEMBER! We are now at that point in the session where:

1. Everyone is making everything look easy

2. Equipment is getting busted through on the regular as people are getting stronger & stronger

3. Everyone is over-delivering on effort & chatter

I think…..Week 9 …might be my favorite of every session.

Everyone has had 18 hours of opportunity together by this point and I start to see things-I watch camaraderie develop and jam.

AND..I overhear things.

People start to say what they really think- sometimes its about how much a Woodie tabata sucks or sometimes its about the people around them and how ballsy, or helpful or badass they are.

I am a big believer in this- so often thoughts, ideas, compliments etc. go with out being said and they shouldn’t. The atta-boys & good jobs & keep it ups & you are crushing its really can't be underestimated.

It's so simple in the Barn, people are working hard, doing great stuff inches away from each other. We notice it, others notice it and my favorite is to hear someone other than me… say it.

And how about life outside the Barn?

We see stuff all the time that we really really like, or really makes us feel inspired or compelled, but how often do we stop people in their tracks to say it…...close friends, or teammates or even neat strangers.

Life really is too short not to; the intervals we live in run out hourly, daily, weekly- and future opporunitites aren’t always guaranteed; so why not just say what's on your mind?

You never know what can shift someone's day around.

My role in the Barn has me giving feedback and encouragement hourly- I try to really point out stuff to people that they may not even notice. I've even been known to interrupt your workout to find out WHY it is you are doing such a killer job that day. And away from the Barn, people closest to me know this- I am kind of a gusher. I will tell them how I feel, what I think and what I love about them at the most random of times- no special event or occasion required.

Because we just never know...

Life delivers lessons and reminders all the time. Years ago, just after I graduated from college, I lost my younger brother in a car accident when he was just 19. I miss him every day. He was so cute and my best friend and if you ever wonder what a 6”2, big dimple, guy version of me would be like- it was him. I remember the day I delivered his eulogy-I was looking out at all of my family and friends and a bazillion 19 year olds in Hawaiian shirts and …. it was the day that I decided I would really start telling alllllllll the people alllllllll the things in the moment- not just waiting for an occasion- (I kinda like radomn moments way more than occasions anyways.) Why do we save so much for when people are gone-so many thoughts and perfect insight and decorations and festive celebrations that they don’t get to see and hear… Can we shift to sharing all the thoughts when our people are here and in eyeshot and earshot?

It's a new month...we have an opportunity to connect by the interval daily and its up to us to share what we think or see vs. just saving it for later- so let's not underestimate the power of comments & chatter this week. Even giving someone sh*t :), has the potential to make their day (and make us laugh when we overhear it). Sometimes its just being seen that can make all the difference.

Chances are, there is really good stuff on display at the Barn and outside the gates on repeat... so if we see it, how about we say it.

You’ll be SEAU happy you did.