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posted by whit

We've had a lot of holiday visitors at the Barn lately and its a unique week when my parents, Santa, my old boss and the CEO of Barry's Bootcamp arrive in Park City just days apart.

It was a special moment for the BeauCo when, Joey Gonzalez, the CEO of Barry's Bootcamp worked out in Thursday's 6:30am class. He came & hustled alongside the clappy sunrisers ...and while there's a chance that his visit was way more exciting and meaningful to us than it was to him; we'll never know for sure. Barry's (​) is billed as the Best Workout in the World & pioneered the boutique fitness movement almost 20 years ago. They artfully blend packed studios and big city badassery in a compelling way... (coming soon to Barry's----> FLAIR JAX & WINTER-MAKERS). Seriously though, for Lindsay and I, there's not another leader in the industry that we admire more for their creativity and trailblazing spirit than Joey- we follow him and read about him daily, so to get to meet him and have him in our Barn home, with our people, doing our thing- it was an incredible memory that will help us best round out this amazing year.

And then there is the resssssssst of 2018.

The moments we have in our minds and then ALLLLLLLLLL the ones that I HAVE ON MY PHONE.

The daily blend of the Barn & my kids- its so funny. I can't even. Seriously, ask to see my phone sometime.

I heard someone say once that you can tell what people are passionate about if you pick up their phone and look at their pictures- it will tell an inadvertent story of what means the most to their life and their time. Think about it, or scroll about it- WHAT, WHERE & WHO is your phone FULL of?

Because of all of you- time doesn't just FLY by for me and I love that-the Barn helps make it that I mark my life by mornings, weeks & Sessions & off-seasons and I like to think that I've got all these Barnside songs, people & MEAUMENTS that along with my life outside of the gates, help me etch out exactly where 52 weeks have gone.

We are #bettertogether 2018 MEAUMENT MAKERS-

With you by our sides we made a lot of hiit happen - just a few highlights:

-We ran 4 Sessions -playing 1,300+ classes

-We had our first ever BAGPIPERS in the Barn on St. Patrick's Day

- We lead events for amazing companies like Huckberry, Rhone, Athleta & Jaybird

-We MC'd the Start Line for Running with Ed & Parley's Park Falcon Run

-We won the BEST OF PARK CITY for FACILITY and.. almost BEST for CLASS.

-We grew our team by 6 feet and welcomed Gretchen, Rachel and Kelsey to the middle of the room

-We donated thousands of dollars and lots of hours to the PC community

- We polished up the floors and rolled in the new ECHO beach cruisers

- We keep working on the new Barn and hustling to make sure its ready to roll this summer

MEAUMENTS-We had them, you've had them and what's certain is there are more to come. And what is certain is that no matter what you are going through, you are in good company here. We've got you.

I feel blessed and grateful- ANNNNNND lucky (I am typing this from Vegas- so I'm heading down to Blackjack tables soon)

THANK YOU everyone. All of you that impact the Beau Collective, that live on my phone... in my moments.

GEAU flip through your photo moments starting Jan 2018 and see the story of your last 52 weeks and GEAU out into 2019 and keep being the moment makers- the world, Park City, your people, our Barn community craves more of that.

I'll GEAU if you GEAU.

Happy almost 2019.

love you SEAU much,
