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posted by lindsay

The end of summer is always so bittersweet. Bitter because we know our carefree, unstructured days are ending and sweet because we are about to send our kids back to school..WE MADE IT!! The time to focus on all the things that have been put on the back burner during the summer will be back....we call this FALL FOCUS.

Summer ending is also the wrap for me on another trip around the sun.

Next week I will turn 41. I entered into this year with beaming optimism that my 40s were going to be AH-mazing (I still think they will be)! WARNING... if you are in your late 30s and want to be surprised by what 40 brings, stop reading now!! My 41st year brought on more changes and self discovery than any year yet. My body changed, my skin changed, my perspective changed, my focus changed! I had a moment that I felt so different in my skin that I ACTUALLY went to the doctor...only to be told that I am just 40...WHAT NOW?!

Once I knew that I was indeed just a healthy 40 year old, I knew that it was going to take real work to get to a place of happy contentment. I love to work!! I love the work that happens at the barn...both sweaty and back of house. I love the work of raising my kids, focusing on my marriage and relationships. BUT, the work of mental health is not something that I truly focused on. Mental health looks different for everyone. For a lot of people this comes out in self care-I see people all around me focusing on what fills their cup so they can continue to be the best version of themselves for all those around makes me truly happy to witness!!

My mental health has come from chilling out and I have realized that life is a crazy ride and if the highs don’t get you too high and the lows don’t get you too low, the ride is actually pretty awesome!! Not trying to control every situation, or worry about every outcome gives a flexibility to life that takes you places and gives you experiences that would have been missed. Life is never going to totally work out exactly as we have planned... but those twists and turns are what makes life beautiful.

As Luke Combs’ says in his song Beautiful Crazy “She’s crazy, but her crazy is beautiful to me...”

Embracing the crazy twist and turns and imperfections in life as beautiful can be the slight change of perspective that makes the ride less scary and a whole lot more fun!